Why Job Hunters Need To Start Using Google Plus

By David Schepp

  Though Facebook still dominates the social-media landscape, Google Plus is quickly gaining a following among savvy job seekers who view the service a useful tool for job search. In fact, with some 343 million members, Google Plus has surpassed micro-blogging site Twitter and is second only to Facebook in its number of "active" users, according to a report by Global Web Index.

As with any social-media network, mastering Google Plus takes a bit of time and experimentation to yield the results you're looking for. The Undercover Recruiter website recently offered these tips (along with several others) to give job hunters a jump start on how to use Google Plus when looking for employment.
  • Create a profile on Google Plus: And if you already have one, be sure to optimize it by adding a photo and filling out your profile to give recruiters a better idea of who you are and what you've accomplished.

  • Use the 'Circles' feature to connect with influential people: When you connect with someone on Google Plus, you add them to "circles," which include categories such as "friends" and "acquaintances" -- or you can create your own. The feature can be helpful should you wish to, say, share some posts with friends and other items with only professional contacts. (And be sure to add AOL Jobs to your circle.)

  • Engage: Google Plus can be a great way to ask questions of recruiters and HR professionals about the hiring process at specific employers. You might also land an online interview, which can better prepare you for an in-person interview. (You also can join AOL Jobs experts for our weekly Lunchtime Live hangouts on Google Plus. Each Friday at 12:30 p.m. Eastern time, we discuss career issues with experts, and readers are welcome to join in.)

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