20 Tips To Be A Job Hunt Ace

Finding for a new job takes time, patience, energy, focus, and more. Devote yourself to your success, and you will be unstoppable.

Follow these tips to become a Job Hunt Ace.

1: Know what you're looking for.

2: Focus your efforts on what you want.

3: Set goals, and create a plan.

4: Make weekly and daily to-do lists.

5: Get feedback on your resume, cover letter, portfolio, work samples, etc.

6: Update your LinkedIn profile, join groups, and follow relevant people and companies on Twitter.

7: Hunt -- actively search -- for job opportunities.

8: Apply to relevant, posted positions.

9: Reach out to organizations without vacant job posts.

I bolded #8 as I see a lot of people apply to jobs that are not relevant.  They were an inventory counter for The Juice Stand and they applied for a Manger position at a store that does $25 million+ a year in sales, or they applied to Director of Worldwide logistics.  Doing this will make it look like the candidate is not aware of the scope of the jobs that they have applied for and will make it harder for them to be considered for the openings that could be a match.

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