Olympic Tips You Can Apply to Your Job Search

As I’ve been watching the Olympic trials these last few weeks, I can’t help but notice how these athletes operate.  For years they train hard to make the trials in hopes of landing a coveted spot on their country’s team.  From their multiple-day training sessions down to their performance uniform, these athletes can teach job seekers a few important tips on how to be the best.
Go for the gold and apply these three champion lessons to your every day job search.

Don Your Uniform
No matter how great you are in scrimmage, there’s just something about putting on that snazzy looking uniform that gives you the extra muscle to clench first. Your head is suddenly fully in the game and you’re ready to play like a star. So when you roll out of bed in the morning to start your job search, shed the flannel PJs and fuzzy slippers. Change into something nice, and you will feel better about yourself and will find it much easier to put your best foot forward. There’s certainly no need to dress up in a manner befitting an interview, but if you avoid lounging around in your sweats all day while you search for jobs, you’ll get out of that lazy mindset and tackle your day with confidence.

Get To Know the Course
Olympic athletes don’t compete without first getting to know the terrain. If they did, they’d be likely to make mistakes that could have easily been purged from their systems had they taken a few practice runs. So when you’re applying to jobs, make sure that you fully research every company you’re interested in – brush up on company history, news mentions, key figures in the firm, etc. – so that if you’re asked about any of these things in an interview you don’t draw a blank. You’ll be a better conversationalist in the interview, and a company will be far more excited to hire someone who knows his or her stuff.

More Tips and Complete Article

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