How Getting Creative in Social Media Can Lead to a Job


Gone are the days of simply emailing your resume and cover letter and getting a call back. You need to be creative in your approach to job seeking. After speaking last week at the University of Hartford to students and watching their eyes light up and widen at the thought of working in social media, I had to help.
So here are some of the tactics I’ve used and/or seen that have really worked. And as you’d expect, much of them utilize social media.
Talk to relatives, friends and neighbors. You never know who works in your field and can hook you up with a contact or even a job. So what if that person used to babysit you? Who cares if you mowed their lawn every summer? Times have changed and you’re ready to talk business. They’ll be eager to talk about what they do.
Use Twitter to the max. There are plenty of Twitter chats and Twitter handles to follow that list and discuss job openings. But don’t stop there. Once you see the job opportunity, tweet at the company with that specific job opening. If they are using social media, they’ll see it and respond back. Start conversations with those Twitter handles and connect with their employees on Twitter. And when the recruiter looks for you on these channels, they’ll see you’re already connected to their employees!
Do more than connect via LinkedIn. - More tips and complete article

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