10 Differences Between the Job Search of Today and of Yesterday

By careerealism

Modified from the forthcoming book, “Job Searching With Social Media for Dummies.”

1. Google Has Replaced the Resume
Recruiters are now using Google and LinkedIn searches to find talent, instead of paying for job-board or talent databases, like they used to do. In fact, many companies are even mandating every new application go through a Google screening process. So that means the first page of your Google results matter more than they ever did before during a job search.

2. A Summary is Enough
Today, the resume is used mostly in the screening process while actual decisions are made after interviews. And because there are so many candidates competing for each job, HR people (or hiring managers if they are tasked with recruitment) often scan resumes very briefly. In fact, the average time on a resume is 30 seconds.

3. Social Proof is a Must
Social proof, testimonials or recommendations seriously reduce the perceived risk of you as a candidate. The most costly mistake a hiring manager can make is to hire the wrong person. Some say that if a new-hire leaves within three months, it costs the organization one and half that person’s annual salary. And with the economy as tight as it is, you can understand why hiring managers are so risk averse.

4. Resumes and Cover Letters Are Not Read on Paper Anymore
Most organizations are not receiving paper resumes and when they get them via email or their application system, they don’t print them. So expect your resume and cover letter to be read on a computer screen. This means you have to format your documents in a way that makes screen-scanning easy.

5. Relationships First, Resume’s Second
Resumes are not used as introductory documents much these days. In fact, “send me your resume” is often an after thought after an introduction is made. And if an introduction is made online, then your online profile offers much more information than a resume. So shift your priorities from, “Oh crap, I have to get my resume done!” to, “Oh crap, where can I meet some more people today?”

Special thanks to the following people for their valuable insights for this post:
Sean Harry, career coach and author of Careers 2.0
Vicky Lind, career counselor and marketing coach
J.T. O’Donnell, founder of CAREEREALISM.com and career coach
Joshua Waldman is the founder of Career Enlightenment and specializes in helping job seekers leverage social media to find work quickly.

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